First and most importantly, Crandall Stats and Sensors offers their thoughts and prayers to all impacted by Covid-19. We would also like to thank all of the healthcare workers, first responders and essential workers. Their resolve during these difficult times is inspiring and we offer sincerest gratitude for all they have done and continue to do on a daily basis.
As an essential employer, Crandall Stats and Sensors has remained open. We successfully navigated the guidelines issued by the CDC and other regulatory agencies to protect the health and safety of our employees while ensuring the integrity of the products we produce. We have provided frequent, honest, and fact based information to all employees while continuing to emphasize the importance of good hygiene, social distancing, wearing of face coverings in our facility, and we have started a NEW Covid-19 suggestion system along with multiple other precautions.
Crandall Stats and Sensors, Inc. takes great pride in our business, our employees, and our community. We will remain strong during these difficult times and come out stronger than ever before. If this pandemic has taught us one thing it is, we are all in this together. We are stronger together reaching for one common goal.
Special thanks to Bill and Gayla for the diligent cleaning of all commonly touched surfaces. Kevin for making the non-touch door openers, and Hilda for making our masks.
Be safe and stay healthy.
Crandall Stats and Sensors, Inc.